The Korea-U.S. National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C.
- About Us -
The purpose of the breakfast meeting is to pray for political leaders of the world, particularly the leaders of the United States and Korea, as well as peaceful reunification of Korean peninsula, so that they may follow the guiding principles of our Lord Almighty God in providing leadership to their citizens and making decisions that affect the nations. We would also like to foster the stronger relationship between the United States and Korea by bringing together the policy makers and elected officials of both countries in the name of God. We also want to engage with many ethnic minorities as many as possible.
The Korea-U.S. National Prayer Breakfast is an annual gathering to offer up worship, thanksgiving, confession and petition to the living God in the name of Jesus Christ. The event is open to people of every language, culture and ethnicity. Invitations are extended to various leaders, guests and individuals from the U.S. Congress, other branches of the federal government, state governments, local communities, faith-based and non-governmental organizations, private and other public sectors, Korean-American community organizations, international organizations, as well as visitors from the Korean government and corporations.
Keynote speakers in our previous annual meetings include Congressman Frank Wolf, former U.S. Senator George Allen, former Congressman and U.S. Ambassador to U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization Tony Hall, U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry Black, U.S. Army General (Ret.) Edward C. “Shy” Meyer, Washington Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary President Dr. George Harton, and Lancaster Bible College President Dr. Peter Teague. Messages of U.S. Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joe Biden and Korean Presidents Lee Myung-Bak, Park Guen-Hye, Moon Jae-in and Suk-yeol Yoon were read at our previous national prayer breakfast meetings.
Please feel free to contact Seung Ug Jeong, President via
if you have any questions on this breakfast meeting.