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Reverend Won Sang Lee served the Korean Central Presbyterian Church in Centreville, Virginia as Senior Pastor from 1977 to 2003. During this time, he oversaw the church's growth from 14 families with 30 people to 2208 families with more than 3000 in average attendance during Sunday services. He also served in various community service capacities including the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Access For All (Committee Member 2000-2003), Falls Church-Fairfax United Way Board of Council (Member 2000-2003), Association of the Korean Churches in the Greater Washington DC (President), and the House of Representatives of United States (Guest Chaplain, 107th Congress meeting on October 10, 2002). He was the Founding Chairman of the Central Senior Center (1994-2003), an organization that provides care and education to seniors, for which the Center received the Virginia Governor’s Award for community Service as an

“Outstanding Religious Institution” in 2001.

Reverend Lee also served in various mission organizations such as the Korean World Mission Council for Christ (Co-Chairman 2001-2004), Milal Mission of America for handicapped people (President 2005-2008), Korean American Food For the Hungry (Founding Chairman of the Board 2001-2012), PRASSION International (Prayer is Mission) (Founder/President 2014-present), and SEED International (Founder/President 2000-present), a world mission agency that has 141 missionary families serving in 36 countries. Reverend Lee received his Th. M. from Dallas Theological Seminary (1972), M. A. from University of Pennsylvania (1981), Ph. D. from University of Wales, United Kingdom (2010), and an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (2015).  Reverend Lee has been married for 50 years to his wife Mrs. Young Ja Lee, a pharmacist who works at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland for more than 30 years. They have two children, a son and a daughter.

Welcome to the Homepage of US-Korea National Prayer Breakfast!

Prayer is the most valuable Christian expression of faith that Jesus demonstrated and commanded. Jesus began His 33 years of the earthly ministry with prayer (Luke 3:21-22) and He ended his ministry with prayer as well (Luke 23:46). Jesus emphasized the importance of prayer on multiple occasions (Matthew 26:41, Acts 1:4). Prayer is not just a means to an end, but it is an end in itself. It is the most intimate expression of our dependence on God, and our love for Him.  It is our response to God first demonstrating His love for us, when He gave up His son Jesus Christ on the cross, so that He would never have to give us up.  


US-Korea Prayer Breakfast is a non-profit organization established in 2005, following the spirit of the US National Prayer Breakfast (1953) and the Korea National Prayer Breakfast (1968). We hold the Annual US-Korea National Prayer Breakfast on the second Saturday in October at seven o’clock in the morning each year. Our main prayer focus is to pray for our national leaders, world peace, and especially for the next generations.  Though this is the most important event on our calendar, we also meet monthly for prayer and fellowship.

We believe that the 66 Books of the Bible are the inspired Word of God and that accepting Jesus Christ’s work on the cross on our behalf is the only way to be restored to a love relationship with God. Our goal is to live as Disciples of Christ proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to our neighbors and to the ends of the world. It is our sincere prayer that you may join with us in this prayer movement. Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,

Won Sang Lee,

Senior Advisor at US-Korea National Prayer Breakfast

Senior Pastor at The Korean Central Presbyterian Church, Centreville, VA

한미국가조찬기도회 홈페지를 방문해주신 것을 환영합니다. 

기도는 예수님이 보여주시고 명령하신 가장 귀중한 신앙의 표현입니다.

예수님은 33년 지상 사역을 기도로 시작하시고 (누가복음 3:21-22) 기도로 마치셨습니다. (누가복음 23:46) 그리고 예수님은 기도하라고 명령하셨습니다. (마태복음 26:41, 사도행전 1:4) 그러므로 기도는 그리스도인의 매일의 삶에 꼭 필요한 것입니다. 


한미국가조찬기도회는 미국국가조찬기도회(1953)와 한국국가조찬기도회(1968)에 이어서 2005년애 시작된 비영리기관으로서 메년 10월 둘째 토요일 이침에 모입니다. 나라의 지도자들과 세계평화를 위해서 그리고 특별히 다음 세대를 위해서 기도하고 있습니다. 그리고 매월 함게 모여 기도하며 교제하고 있습니다.

신구약 성경을 하나님의 말씀으로 믿고 예수 그리스도를 유일한 구원의 주님으로 신앙고백하며 그리스도의 복음을 이웃에서 부터 땅 끝까지 전하는 그리스도의 제자로 살아가기를 힘쓰는 것을 우리의 목표로 삼고 있습니다. 

한미국가조찬기도운동에 동참하여주시기를 간절히 소망합니다. 감사합니다.​

​이원상 목사,

한미국가조찬기도회 상임고문

와싱톤중앙장로교회 원로목사

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