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제 6 대 회장, 서 옥자

Ok Cha Soh, Ph.D., the sixth president of

the Korea-U.S. National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C.

Ok Cha Soh, Ph.D. is currently Vice President, Columbia College, Vienna, VA. She is currently the Chair of the Executive Board of the Korea-US National Prayer Breakfast-Washington, D.C. She worked as an associate professor at Dept. of Counseling Psychology, Washington Bible College, Lanham, MD, for 1994- 2013. Afterwards she worked as a director of General Ed., Washington University of Virginia, VA for 2013-2014.

She served as the president of Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, Inc. (WCCW) for 2001

to 2008, now serving as an advisor. The WCCW was founded in 1992 to promote research and

education pertaining to crimes against Comfort Women issues, which is the term used as euphemistically

referring to WWII sexual slaves. Dr. Soh has conducted numerous seminars, workshops, and forums

on U.S. campuses to increase public awareness and educate on Comfort Women issues internationally.

She testified before the U.S Congressional Hearing on Comfort Women in Feb. 2007, spearheading the campaign to pass the House Res. #121 on Capitol Hill. House Res. #121, calling on the Japanese government formally and unequivocally to apologize and acknowledge the tragedy that Comfort Women endured at the hands of its Imperial Army during WWII, was passed unanimously by bi-partisan measures

at the U.S. Congress in July, 2007. 


Dr. Soh holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2001.

She earned double Master degrees in the Theology of Missions from Capital Bible Seminary, 1993

and Counseling Psychology from Bowie State University, 1994.




Feb. 2023    Volunteer Lifetime Service, Gold Medal Award from the U.S President Joe Biden.

Dec. 2021   Korea Unification Contribution Grand Award from Korean Informational Association, Korea. 

Sep. 2020   Volunteer Service Award, Gold Medal from the U.S. President Donald Trump for commitment to                           strengthen nation and communities.

Nov. 2013   Citation from Republic of Korea President, Park, Guen-hye for the Service on Comfort Women Issues

July 2012     Outstanding work on the passage of House Res. 121 by U.S. Congress

Dec. 2006   'Person of the Year 2006' by the Korean American Association of Washington

Dec. 2001    Citation from Maryland Governor, Paris Glendenning for outstanding work and leadership for                            minority human rights and many others.


  • Memoir, Becoming Your Voice, 2015 (Korean version)

  • Featured in Who’s Who Dictionary in 2010-15

  • Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace: Legislation on Comfort Women in the U.S. Congress:         Kleine Verlag GmbH, Germany, 2007

  • Korea Monitor: We Must Not Remain Silent (Vol.3, Issue 38, September 22, 2006)

  • Chief Editor of the News Bulletin, Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, Inc., 2000–2008

  • The research dissertation, A Descriptive Analysis of Racial Attitudes of African-American and Korean-Americans toward Each Other(2000)

  • Research thesis: An evaluation of the Korean House Churches in the North-Eastern Provinces in China(1994)

  • Research thesis: Effects of Differential Parenting Styles upon the Korean Adolescents in America (1993)   

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