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The Korea-U.S. National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C.


- Events Gallery -
Click the photos to read more about the events

The 67th US Nat'l Prayer Breakfast

The 67th US Nat'l Prayer Breakfast

The 67th US Nat'l Prayer Breakfast

The 67th US Nat'l Prayer Breakfast

The 67th US Nat'l Prayer Breakfast

The 67th US Nat'l Prayer Breakfast

With Cong. Elijah Cummings

Korea-American Day

Korea-American Day

R.O.K. Embassy, 10/2018

R.O.K. Embassy, 10/2018

With Cong. Honda 10/2018

With Cong. Jerry Connolly, 10/2018

U.S. Nat'l Prayer Breakfast, 2/2018

U.S. Nat'l Prayer Breakfast, 2/2018

U.S. Nat'l Prayer Breakfast, 2/2018

U.S. Nat'l Prayer Breakfast, 2/2018
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